John, a product manager of a large corporate, proudly shows his management what results their 200 software development teams are...
Feeding the development pipeline right is KING!
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John, a product manager of a large corporate, proudly shows his management what results their 200 software development teams are...
Around 2009 at Goyello we decided to implement Scrum. So, you could think we are really Agile by now. But how sure can you be...
Today I ran a guest lecture at the Gdansk University of Technology. A nice group of students wanted to learn about Lean...
Have you ever tried to eat a whole salami at once? Did you manage? Probably not. So what did you do to eat it? I guess you cut...
Personally, I really prefer to work in an Agile way. Already several years ago we started working like that at Goyello. Some...
[slideshare id=3568330&doc=4developersgoyellofunkysoftwaredevelopment20100326phofinalb-100326184144-phpapp02] Vandaag was ik...