A special year and a better one will follow

by | Dec 31, 2007 | Business Insights | 0 comments

2007 was a very special year for us. It will be always remembered as the year during which we developed GOYELLO. Our company was founded at the end of 2006. During 2007 GOYELLO grew up to a 20 people company.We already had to change the office several times! We welcomed a lot of new clients and employees. We are very curious what 2008 has in store for us!

In 2007 we experienced some obstacles and fortunately a lot of success as well. Overcoming the Polish bureaucracy probably was the biggest challenge. But we’ve managed! This means that we are very confident about our future.

In 2008 we will show what we are really up to. We will focus more on marketing. And we plan to grow up to about 30 people quite soon. We will keep our focus on website / portal development and customized software development. Currently we have sufficient (ASP).NET and PHP knowledge available. Soon we will also be able to offer JAVA knowledge.

Internet marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and the usage of web 2.0 technologies will get our main goal. We offer solutions based on our own content management system (CMS). This CMS is designed to service portals with high loads of daily traffic.

Based on what we managed to realize during 2007 we have really high expectations about 2008. We hope 2008 will start with some nice surprises!

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