Be aware the tablet shopper is near!

by | Apr 2, 2012 | Business Insights | 0 comments

Tablet home shoppping, the influence of tablets on e-commerce

Mobile increasingly becomes a part of the customer journey before his final decision about a purchase and where to make it. You see them visiting your shop, meanwhile surfing the Internet through a mobile browser to check your competition. If you study your website’s or webshop’s analytics, you will surely notice a similar trend. Mobile devices’ usage is increasing and tablets’ usage even more. The tablet is used to shop around the Internet while sitting on the couch. In fact this is the best moment to get the shopper’s attention. Are you ready for that?

This post originally appeared at 21webmerceblog.View original post.

Change the tablet shoppers into your new buyers

Nowadays, tablet users are not only growing in size, they are also shopping online more—a shift that has altered consumer interaction with retailers. Take a look why tablet users today promise to be the most valuable retail consumers, check the Infographic by Milo below. One of the most striking conclusions is probably that the tablet is the most used device across generations after the laptop/desktop. The tablet gives you a bigger audience than the smartphone.

Be inspired by these four tablet commerce trends if you want to make use of the tablet potential.

Have you already noticed any influence of mobile devices explosion on your sales? Share your opinion below!

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