Please tell me how to reach a high page rank! Make that my website ranks first in Google. Recently, this has become a topical question. Google rankings seem to be more important than ever before. But why? Is a high Google page rank really needed? In my opinion this just depends on your business line.
Of course a high Google page rank will lead more visitors to your website. That is for sure. But achieving a high Google rank is a time consuming effort. Besides, it can also be very expensive one. Many companies try to sell you high page ranks and this will cost you a fortune. So, you’d better think twice before you go ahead with it.
A high Google page rank is especially needed if your business relies heavily on Internet visitors. For sure that high rank will help if you manage an Internet web shop. On the other hand, the Internet will probably not add much to your business if you are a local bread store (without a web shop).
Achieving a high Google page rank needs a lot of effort. First of all your website needs to be optimized from a technological point of view. This should be done by your web developer or GOYELLO where our specialists can do it for you. You could register your website at several search engines. But most of all, there is one important thing that has to be done on a daily or weekly basis: “Generating attractive content“. For sure content is king. What is more, it is essential to get as many links as possible from reliable websites to your website.
There are obviously more techniques which guarantee a higher page rank. But if you focus on these things first, you will quickly notice the difference.
However, Google’s introduction of PageRank proved to be a significant seachange and ultimately changed the way we searched for information on the web — and …
I agree Google’s PageRank has a big impact. May be even a too big impact. Because Google decides what’s relevant for you. As a searcher I would like to be able to define better what result is relevant to me.
What I tried to stress is that you should start with sending a message that someone would like to read. I you have valuable content you will attract visitors. And even more important, they will stay on your site and hopefully even do something. In the end it should be about conversion on your website. Generating traffic without a decent level of conversion is a wast of effort and money.
I agree Google’s PageRank has a big impact. May be even a too big impact. Because Google decides what’s relevant for you. As a searcher I would like to be able to define better what result is relevant to me.
What I tried to stress is that you should start with sending a message that someone would like to read. I you have valuable content you will attract visitors. And even more important, they will stay on your site and hopefully even do something. In the end it should be about conversion on your website. Generating traffic without a decent level of conversion is a wast of effort and money.