Kraków here we are

by | Mar 7, 2009 | Events | 0 comments

After a long train trip we arrived at Kraków Central Station. We, Kuba, Maciej and Peter, are here to visit the first 4Developers event. The biggest seminar for software developers from all over Europe. Although we are in for a long and intensive day tomorrow, we decided to visit the Old Town before that.

In my opinion, and fortunately I am not the only one, there is no such place as Kraków. This is such a special city. Culture, history, modern developments, everything seems to go here hand in hand.

After our long train trip (8 hours) we felt like having some diner. We went to the best Kebab place in the town. Afterwards we went to Harris Piano Jazz Bar where we enjoyed a live concert. For sure this was not the best performance ever. But the musicians seemed to have such fun on stage that they easily managed to grip the late-night audience.

Now we need to prepare for a long and intensive knowledge intake and networking day at 4Developers. I am curious what we will achieve there.

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