During the Globe Forum, which took place several weeks ago in Gdańsk, one of the main conclusions was that we have to look for different power solutions NOW! Therefore, I was very shocked to read that they plan to build a new not sustainable coal fueled power plant in Tczew. Can we please try to use the estimated investment of € 3 billion in a more sustainable way? When will we finally start practicing what we preach?
[photo: flickr/davipt]
Local governments have to take the lead
As mentioned during the Globe Forum especially local governments will have to take the lead to make our environment more sustainable. And to help the cause, one can compare business electricity suppliers online and choose the best one, & put efforts in mitigating global warming. It looks like Tczew has a great opportunity to work on that. The Pomerania district seems to suffer of a electrical energy deficit which needs to be solved. But why choosing the easy way again?Â
Between 2010 and 2011 the investor will carry out geological research and acquire the needed permits. It looks like there is still time available to investigate other options.
Let’s burn our wast and generate green power
We all know Poland is facing a big waste issue. A potential solution to solve this is to burn it meanwhile transferring it into green power and hot water for green city heating.
Why wouldn’t you consider a solution like that? During the Globe Forum a Polish innovation was presented as one of the participants in the Innovator Contest. The Polish company Energoplasma S.A. claims to being able to convert waste into green energy. GE Money Bank Poland presented one of their solutions from their ecomagination program, Jenbacher.
Operational examples prove green biomass based power is possible
Besides these two examples there are several other successful implementations of comparable solutions. Recently I for example got to know about the biosteam plant realized by Electrawinds in Ostende, Belgium. Within 18 months they managed to build a plant that cost € 90 million and it processes 130,000 tons of biomass waste annually. The electricity generated matches the annual electrical consumption of 42,850 families. The annual CO2 emissions, when compared with classic power plants, is reduced by 87,048 tons. See the movie below to see how they managed. The movie is in Dutch with English sub titles.
National and local authorities in Poland (and other countries as well), let’s give these initiatives a chance. Without (financial) governmental support we will never be able to start the energy revolution. Why waiting? Let’s start now. For sure these innovations need to be improved, but that is only possible if these solutions will be supported.