Last weeks we had several clients visiting our development location in Gdańsk, Poland. As many times before they proved the importance of personal meetings within an outsourcing relationship. Apart from the intensive business talks we were having a lot of fun together. And isn’t having fun one of the most important things in life?
In reality most outsourcing relationships are either rather formal, based on strict contracts, or more like project contract based deals. The first case mostly doesn’t leave much space for intensive informal relationships, the second one very often doesn’t allow both parties to invest into the relationship. In my opinion this is a real pity.
As mentioned our GOYELLO development locations are based in Poland. For our Western European clients Poland is for many reasons a great nearshoring location. You can read that in one of my posts on our GOYELLO blog. One of the advantages is the relatively short distance. This enables us to visit our client’s at their premises and may be even more important it’s rather easy for our clients to meet with us in Gdańsk. The client’s visits in general last for several days, long intensive and productive days. They enable the client to focus on the subject, without being disturbed all the time.
Traveling to Poland also includes some ‘magic’ for most visitors. Western European people don’t know what they can expect. That’s why most of them are very surprised when they see our office, meet our people and visit the beautiful Polish cities.
Last weeks we had several visitors again, both existing and new clients. And like always we were having a great time together. During intensive discussions and workshops we defined their needs, discussed possibilities and we were testing almost finished applications. In the evening we visited both Sopot and Gdańsk. Both beautiful, impressive cities, great places to relax, have a great dinner and more important to have intensive talks to get to know eachother better. In all cases this occured to be very useful again. Even hard discussions are a lot easier when you know and really understand the other. It makes that we realize what drives and bothers them. It enables us to serve our clients better.
Besides we just had a great time! Thanks guys!