Tweetboard promises more social media engagement

by | Aug 12, 2010 | Community and Networking | 0 comments

tweetboard-logoTweetboard is the new kid on the social media block. This new tool, released just some days ago, promises to stimulate social media interaction among the visitors of a single website or blog. Will Tweetboard proof its value? Let’s just give it a try to find out. Just click the tiny “Tweets” label at the left to see the full box and feel free to discuss. The video below tells the rest of the story.


Tweetboard is a micro-forum type application for your website. It pulls your Twitter stream in near real-time, reformatting tweets into threaded conversations with unlimited nesting. Conversations that spun off the original conversation are also threaded in-line, giving your site visitors full perspective of what’s being discussed.

Tweetboard is supposed to be a powerful viral tool that engages your website visitors. Each time someone posts (or replies) via your board, a link back to the corresponding conversation is appended to their tweet, creating a viral stream of Twitter traffic to your website.

I am really curious whether or not this will work. What do you think? Why not give it a try at the left side of this page?

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