The unstoppable train goes on

by | Nov 30, 2016 | Business Insights, Post | 0 comments

10 years ago our adventure began; our great leap into the unknown. Our luggage: our own ideas, motivation and energy, our hard work, trial and error, good luck and determination to overcome any setback. The outside world saw an unstoppable TGV passing by at speed. That train is not yet standing still, so let’s look back at an intermediate station.

This post has originally been published on Goyelloblog.

About 10 years ago, the smartphone was unknown, the first iPhone still on the drawing board, and Tablets but a fantasy. The now daily essentials of online shopping was in its infancy and social media, the preserve of early adopters. Friendly online, customer communication evolved following these developments. Together with our customers we have been honoured to create beautiful solutions for these challenges. We are proud of them and therefore, we let some of our clients speak about it in our “move IT” magazine!

Our modern online life has resulted in new advantages, limitations and concerns. Cloud solutions offer greater availability and scalability, but make us dependent on continuous access to the Internet. We have more data available, the smart use of which is paramount. In the meantime, the discussion around privacy grows ever fiercer. Robots are ever more ‘human’, accelerated by Artificial Intelligence. Meanwhile, there remain many global challenges, including poverty and the environment. Digital solutions will play a leading role. But technology alone does not guarantee success.

Technology will develop faster. Our challenge is to help our clients make use of it by being creative, thinking out new solutions and realising them effectively through Agile methods. We also make them aware of the fact that Agile is a journey that never ends.

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We aim to continue providing our customers with our familiar care to become even more successful together in the coming years. This is only possible thanks to our great team. I would also like to thank our current and former colleagues for their continued dedication.

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